As a Celebrity Personal Trainer I am constantly looking for techniques and methods to increase the intensity of my client’s workouts in order for them to burn fat and achieve a lean and wonderful physique.
Celebrities do not have an abundance of time, contrary to public belief, they need time efficient workouts that produce quality results.
Adding on from the Best Celebrity Workouts 1 we now have an extension to super-setting with a method known as Tri-Sets. As if super-sets were not hard enough, tri-sets involve a third exercise being added in order to increase the intensity even further!
Supersets involve training opposing muscle groups without any rest between sets. So a celebrity could train chest and combine it immediately with back, or quads and hamstrings. Tri-sets can involve either three sets performed immediately each other using the same muscle group, or three exercises performed immediately after each other.
If one were to use tri-sets for the same muscle group then this is an advanced method of training and I would only perform this method with experienced exercise users as the intensity is very high. An example of a tri-set using the same muscle group would be:
Barbell squats
Leg extensions
Bench press
One cannot use a heavy load for this method of training and it would not be possible to complete the tri-set. Sets of 0f 8-12 reps are good approx 75% of the maximum one could lift for one repetition (1RM).
Another method of training using tri-sets is to use different muscle groups therefore reducing the high intensity on one particular muscle group making the workout more tolerable but still intense. An example of this would be:
Decline sit-ups
Shoulder push-press
Seated rows
If a celebrity wanted to work heavily on their legs and butt then I may design a tri-set workout for them using just leg exercises. If I just need more a a general application but focused on burning fat then I would opt for the latter tri-sets using various exercises, especially if the client was less advanced.
Tri-sets stimulate the release of the powerful hormones testosterone and growth hormone and can only be performed for about 30-45 mins due to the intensity of the workouts.
Celebrity workouts require a higher intensity and tri-sets are a great training tool in order to burn fat and create quality lean muscle tissue!
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