One of the major challenges individuals face with regards to healthy eating and dieting, is that almost every diet program just simply isn’t sustainable. They’re either too restrictive, or don’t allow you to consume your favorite foods and drinks. Can Personal Trainers expect their clients to immediately stop eating chocolate, ice cream, lasagna, pizza, or burritos? Behavioral change does not occur overnight and any diet that eliminates ones favorite foods is one that will set them up for failure.
Weight loss is all to do with balance and cycling your calories correctly. The 90/10 rule works well for allowing your favorite tasty foods and drinks whilst you’re still working towards losing weight. One of the best weight loss strategies is to consume regular smaller meals per day; 5-6 is very good and realistic. The 90/10 rule would work like this: 90% of the time you are consuming foods for health, energy, vitality and to make you look absolutely fantastic! 10% of the time you consume your favorite meals which are higher in fats, sugar and salt. You understand that these foods may not be too good for you, but because you are not eating them regularly, they won’t hinder your weight loss too much.
You are what you eat. You are what you repeatedly do. If you practice bad eating habits they will come back to haunt you in the form of weight gain or ill health, or both! If you were to consume 5 meals daily that would average out to be approx 35 meals per week. Using the 90/10 rule for weight loss, you would be able to consume three meals and one snack of your favorite foods. This however, doesn’t mean that the remaining 90% of the meals you consume are bland, boring, and should on the diets of farm animals. There are plenty of tasty healthy foods available and some tremendous substitutes for some of the foods you may be eating right now that will hinder your weight loss.
Burgers are a classic example. They are one of the worst foods you can consume. Very high in calories and saturated fats. Veggie burgers or soy burgers however, are an ideal substitute as they are low in fats and are a good source of protein. Pizzas can be cooked using thin based crusts, tomato sauce, lowfat mozzarella cheese, and can then be added with grilled chicken breast, peppers, mushrooms, onions, and any other healthy vegetable. We just need to be more organized and make healthier choices.
Plan your week ahead for the meals you will be having, and pinpoint days and times for you to consume 10% of your favorite foods and enjoy them to the full. You must however, balance those meals with a 90% diet of healthy and highly productive foods to have you looking and feeling absolutely fabulous!
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