Edinburgh Personal Trainer Mike Heatlie MSc is one of the world's leading Personal Trainers. He holds three Masters Degrees in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, Strength & Conditioning, Public Health Nutrition, as well as and a Degree in Sport & Exercise Science with the highest Honours. He runs the Mike Heatlie Personal Training Studio in Edinburgh.
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Lose 10 Pounds, 10 Years, in 5 Weeks with Mike Heatlie's epic weight loss ebook! This ebook pulls no punches, dishes the dirt, and lets you in on all the inside secrets known to few about losing weight and looking fabulous! This diet and exercise plan is followed by models and celebrities wishing to lose weight fast and look great fast for that special occasion! Click here now start losing weight right now!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Why Eating Breakfast Is Important For Weight Loss!
I have looked over hundreds of food diaries and it is fairly common for many people to skip breakfast as they don’t feel hungry then or do not have the time to eat breakfast first thing before work.
A study by the Journal of International Medical Research (2008) demonstrated three good reasons why eating breakfast is important if you are looking to lose weight.
1. People who eat breakfast have a reduced appetite and reduced eating throughout the rest of the day
2. Compared to people who do not eat breakfast and eat later in the day, people who do have an overall reduced appetite.
3. Men and women who do not eat breakfast, or who eat very little in the morning, end up hungry during the day and the evening and subsequently eat more during this time, consuming more calories than they need.
Good ideas for high protein, low-carb breakfasts, are:
Eggs on toast
Egg omlettes
Whey Protein Shakes with a raw egg added
Cream cheese and smoked salmon
Peanut butter on toast
Organic yogurt with nuts
String cheese and hard cooked eggs
Eating breakfast will go a low way to reducing your overall appetite for the rest of the day and prevent you from loading up on calories during the day and especially in the evening.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Best Celebrity Workouts 1: Supersets
Supersets are a fantastic method of training to increase the intensity of your workouts. By increasing the intensity of a workout, we are burning more calories, more fat, losing more weight, releasing powerful fat-burning hormones and creating quality lean muscle tissue!
Supersets involve performing two exercises, of opposing muscles groups, without any rest between them. So you would train biceps and then triceps, or chest and then back.
Supersets are used in celebrity workouts for many reasons. Firstly they save time, which is advantageous for celebrities as sometimes they have very tight schedules and may only have 20-30 mins for execise. They stimulate the release of powerful anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone that will help you burn more body fat.
An example of a celebrity workout using supersets for chest and back would be:
Bench press + Incline T-Bar rows
Incline dumbbell chest press + Chin-ups
Dips + Lat pulldown
Flys + Bent over dumbbell rows
Another celebrity workout using supersets for biceps and triceps would be
Standing barbell curls + overhead barbell extensions
Preacher curls + dips
Seated dumbbell curls + lying triceps dumbbell tricep extensions
Cable bicep curls + tricep pushdowns
In terms of sets and repetitions, one would perform 3-4 sets and use 12-15 reps. You do not want to perform anymore than 15 reps, 12 being optimum, and your twelve rep needs to be a failure rep meaning that you would not be able to do anymore reps above that. Session duration: 45-60 mins maximum.
Celebrities use supersets due to the high intensity nature of the protocol as it produces such wonderful results! Now get to it!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ten Key Things Celebrities Do To Stay In Shape!
1. They’re motivated
Celebrities get motivated, usually through pressure, maybe vanity, but they know they’re under scrutiny, some more than others, but regardless of the stimulus, in order to exercise with the required intensity, you need to be up for it, and know why you’re training so hard.
Goal-setting can be a powerful motivator, so write down some short-term and longer-term goals for yourself then get to work!
2. They’re consistent
Building the pyramids, building Rome, building whatever, it all took time, but consistency with time. Every quality workout, every quality meal, all adds up to a better you, a lighter you, a more confident you. Good results are achieved over time through consistent daily efforts. Great bodies are the ones from years of training and dieting, not a quick fix.
You can certainly drop 10 lbs in only a few weeks but to develop a great figure takes more time and consistency. As long as you are doing more every day to help your figure than to hinder it, then you will always be working in the right direction.
3. They’re disciplined
Discipline is everything. Discipline moves us forward in our lives and careers in the most positive manner. Doing, at times, what others are not prepared to do is the making of a champion. What are you prepared to do to reach your goal? Can you find the time to exercise five times per week? Can you stay on your diet six days a week? The greater discipline you have in your life, the more productive you will be and faster you will reach your goals.
4. They make time to exercise
Every day organise your schedule as if you don’t you will soon find time for other things other than exercise. Gain good time management skills and fit in a time most days for exercise. Contrary to popular opinions, celebrities do not have infinite amounts of time to exercise but they do organise their time well and fit it into a busy schedule. Make time to exercise, no excuses.
5. They’re organised
Granted many celebrities have assistants to keep a tight organised schedule, but there’s no reason why you can’t either. Pack your gym bag the evening before, make sure you have everything. Know what workout you are about to do, the exercises, the order etc. Plan your meals for each day and have your fridge and cupboard stocked up correctly so don’t have to rely on something else.
6. They hire Personal Trainers
Most people cannot afford to have a Celebrity Personal Trainer with them for every workout, but hiring a Personal Trainer even once a week, month or even just to update your exercise program will save you a lot of time and energy and will enable you to reach your goals faster. Knowledge is everything. I can give someone one piece of advice that could make them lose 10 pounds more in one month than they would do by themselves! Get some good advice, hire a trainer that will fit your budget.
7. They know their foods
Celebrity diets are actually not too dissimilar. Some may prefer a faddy diet plan, but the fundamentals to a fat loss diet are the same. Maintain a calorie deficit, meaning that you need to have a limit on the total amount of calories you are consuming every day. You need to be eating non-processed foods, opt instead for organic foods as much as possible and avoid refined carbohydrates such as white pasta, potatoes and rice. Eat vegetables for every dinner you have, especially from the cruciferous family.
8. They occasionally cheat
Celebrities aren’t robots, they’re human. They crave pizza, ice cream, burgers, and chips just like everyone else. The key is though that they eat these treats on occasion, not on a regular basis. Sometimes you have to eat some tasty fatty foods just to keep you sane, but don’t beat yourself up over it. As long as 90% of the time you’re doing things to aid your fat loss they’re no problem. The 10% won’t matter.
9. They keep a positive environment
There’s a saying, “It’s hard to soar like an eagle, if you hang around a bunch of chickens!” Make sure the people you spend the most amount of time with are positive people who are encouraging your efforts and not ones who always eat poorly at restaurants, the moves etc. and make you feel bad for not eating the bad foods they are eating.
10. They’re in it for the long haul
Fad diets don’t last. Quick fix diets don’t last. Find a balance of good, clean, quality nutrition and not trying to yo-yo as often. Celebrity diets are consistent and long-term. Yes they occasionally go on a particular diet for a tour, movie, or red carpet, but they will revert to their normal diet which is manageable long-term.
Use these ten key tips for staying in celebrity shape, they will keep you well ahead of the game!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
You gotta love the caffeine!
I'm a big fan of caffeine as an ergogenic aid. I use it prior to exercise and it has great benefits! It's better to take it on it's own rather than coffee so supplement form is better. Here is a review from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition:
"The scientific literature associated with caffeine supplementation is extensive. It is evident that caffeine is indeed ergogenic to sport performance but is specific to condition of the athlete as well as intensity, duration, and mode of exercise. Therefore, after reviewing the available literature, the following conclusions can be drawn:
• Caffeine is more powerful when consumed in an anhydrous state (capsule/tablet, powder), as compared to coffee.
• The majority of research has utilized a protocol where caffeine is ingested 60 min prior to performance to ensure optimal absorption; however, it has also been shown that caffeine can enhance performance when consumed 15-30 min prior to exercise.
• Caffeine is effective for enhancing various types of performance when consumed in low-to-moderate doses (~3-6 mg/kg); moreover, there is no further benefit when consumed at higher dosages (≥ 9 mg/kg).
• During periods of sleep deprivation, caffeine can act to enhance alertness and vigilance, which has been shown to be an effective aid for special operations military personnel, as well as athletes during times of exhaustive exercise that requires sustained focus.
• Caffeine is an effective ergogenic aid for sustained maximal endurance activity, and has also been shown to be very effective for enhancing time trial performance.
• Recently, it has been demonstrated that caffeine can enhance, not inhibit, glycogen resynthesis during the recovery phase of exercise.
• Caffeine is beneficial for high-intensity exercise of prolonged duration (including team sports such as soccer, field hockey, rowing, etc.), but the enhancement in performance is specific to conditioned athletes.
• The literature is inconsistent when applied to strength and power activities or sports. It is not clear whether the discrepancies in results are due to differences in training protocols, training or fitness level of the subjects, etc. Nonetheless, more studies are needed to establish the effects of caffeine vis a vis strength-power sports.
• Research pertaining exclusively to women is limited; however, recent studies have shown a benefit for conditioned strength-power female athletes and a moderate increase in performance for recreationally active women.
• The scientific literature does not support caffeine-induced dieresis during exercise. In fact, several studies have failed to show any change in sweat rate, total water loss, or negative change in fluid balance that would adversely affect performance, even under conditions of heat stress.
The scientific literature associated with caffeine supplementation is extensive. It is evident that caffeine is indeed ergogenic to sport performance but is specific to condition of the athlete as well as intensity, duration, and mode of exercise. Therefore, after reviewing the available literature, the following conclusions can be drawn:
• Caffeine is more powerful when consumed in an anhydrous state (capsule/tablet, powder), as compared to coffee.
• The majority of research has utilized a protocol where caffeine is ingested 60 min prior to performance to ensure optimal absorption; however, it has also been shown that caffeine can enhance performance when consumed 15-30 min prior to exercise.
• Caffeine is effective for enhancing various types of performance when consumed in low-to-moderate doses (~3-6 mg/kg); moreover, there is no further benefit when consumed at higher dosages (≥ 9 mg/kg).
• During periods of sleep deprivation, caffeine can act to enhance alertness and vigilance, which has been shown to be an effective aid for special operations military personnel, as well as athletes during times of exhaustive exercise that requires sustained focus.
• Caffeine is an effective ergogenic aid for sustained maximal endurance activity, and has also been shown to be very effective for enhancing time trial performance.
• Recently, it has been demonstrated that caffeine can enhance, not inhibit, glycogen resynthesis during the recovery phase of exercise.
• Caffeine is beneficial for high-intensity exercise of prolonged duration (including team sports such as soccer, field hockey, rowing, etc.), but the enhancement in performance is specific to conditioned athletes.
• The literature is inconsistent when applied to strength and power activities or sports. It is not clear whether the discrepancies in results are due to differences in training protocols, training or fitness level of the subjects, etc. Nonetheless, more studies are needed to establish the effects of caffeine vis a vis strength-power sports.
• Research pertaining exclusively to women is limited; however, recent studies have shown a benefit for conditioned strength-power female athletes and a moderate increase in performance for recreationally active women.
• The scientific literature does not support caffeine-induced dieresis during exercise. In fact, several studies have failed to show any change in sweat rate, total water loss, or negative change in fluid balance that would adversely affect performance, even under conditions of heat stress.
Source: Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2010, 7:5doi:10.1186/1550-2783-7-5
Diets lacking in key micro-nutrients
A recent study looked at four popular diet menu plans (Atkins For Like, South Beach, DASH, Best Life Diet) and concluded that they were failing to reach many of Recommended Daily Intake for 27 micro-nutrients. Best Life Diet was 55.56% sufficient, DASH diet 51.85% sufficient, Atkins was 44.4% sufficient, and the South Beach diet was only 22.22% sufficient! This means for the South Beach Diet that it only reached the RDI for only 6 out of 27 micro-nutrients!
Basically all diets (including mine!) do stipulate a calorie reduction and therefore a reduction in key nutrients. However I always recommend a multi-vitamin, Fish Oils, zinc, magnesium, and for women calcium with vitamin D.
From the study the researcher concluded:
"the conclusion of this researcher that an individual following a popular diet plan using food alone, has a high likelihood of
becoming micronutrient deficient, a condition shown to be scientifically linked to a higher risk of dangerous and debilitating diseases including cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, birth defects and overweight/obesity. Based on this study’s findings, the belief that a healthy, balanced diet can consistently deliver, to a typical dieter, all of the essential vitamins and minerals they need, through whole food alone, is in dire need of revision. It would appear that supplementation should be considered as a viable, low cost method to achieve micronutrient sufficiency and reduce the risk for some of today’s most prevalent and devastating health conditions and diseases. In conclusion, this study recommends that all individuals, particularly those following a popular diet plan, would benefit from and should take a daily multivitamin supplement to fill the nutritional gap between where their whole food diet leaves off and micronutrient sufficiency is achieved."
Source: Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2010, 7:24 doi:10.1186/1550-2783-7-24 Jayson B Calton
Basically all diets (including mine!) do stipulate a calorie reduction and therefore a reduction in key nutrients. However I always recommend a multi-vitamin, Fish Oils, zinc, magnesium, and for women calcium with vitamin D.
From the study the researcher concluded:
"the conclusion of this researcher that an individual following a popular diet plan using food alone, has a high likelihood of
becoming micronutrient deficient, a condition shown to be scientifically linked to a higher risk of dangerous and debilitating diseases including cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, birth defects and overweight/obesity. Based on this study’s findings, the belief that a healthy, balanced diet can consistently deliver, to a typical dieter, all of the essential vitamins and minerals they need, through whole food alone, is in dire need of revision. It would appear that supplementation should be considered as a viable, low cost method to achieve micronutrient sufficiency and reduce the risk for some of today’s most prevalent and devastating health conditions and diseases. In conclusion, this study recommends that all individuals, particularly those following a popular diet plan, would benefit from and should take a daily multivitamin supplement to fill the nutritional gap between where their whole food diet leaves off and micronutrient sufficiency is achieved."
Source: Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2010, 7:24 doi:10.1186/1550-2783-7-24 Jayson B Calton
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